WelcomeWelcome to the Spring edition of our Practice Newsletter. Many thanks for your continued feedback and support for our newsletter. If you have any issues you would like to see in the next edition please leave your ideas in the waiting room comments box.
Proposed New Health Centre
With an ever increasing amount of services being transferred from hospital to the community the present Health Centre is finding it difficult to accommodate everyone. We are therefore actively looking for a new site which will include the current users and bring Family Planning to the site from Dean Terrace.
Practice Web Site
Russel (with a little guidance from the Manager) has produced our very own web site. He has created himself this without the use of any ‘off the shelf’ software. We hope you will visit the site and feed back, via our suggestion box in the waiting room, your comments
Patients who are on repeat medication can also use the site to order their regular monthly prescriptions.www.greenpractice-shc.co.uk
Vaccination Update
Meningitis C Vaccination
If you are aged 24 years or under you should now be immunised against one cause of meningitis, called meningicoccal group C infection, with the MenC vaccine. Meningicoccal infection can cause meningtitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning). The MenC vaccine will protect against one of the most common strains, but does not protect against all strains of the disease. The vaccine has already been offered to under 20s and the programme has now been extended to everyone 24 years and under. The risk of disease is thought to be slightly higher in this age group mainly because of social actdivities such as ‘pubbing and clubbing’ . The bacteria spreads from one person to another by coughing, sneezing or direct contact such as sharing a glass or kissing. Possible side-effects of the vaccine are usually mild and short term. Please contact reception for an appointment with the Practice Nurse (260 9226) Further information is available from the Meningitis Research Foundation (080 8800 3344) or at www.hebs.com
Patient Services Information
New Medication for Baldness
A new medical treatment for male pattern baldness has recently been licensed for private prescription in the UK. The drug, Propecia (finasteride) has been shown in trials to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth in some cases. It acts by blocking the effects of a hormone on the hair in genetically susceptible individuals. Side-effects appear to be infrequent and mild when used for up to one year. A month’s supply of the tablets will cost approx £40 Patients interested in this are welcome to discuss it with their doctor. |
Spring 2002  Vaccination Update
Pre-school Pertussis BoosterThe Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has recommended that a booster dose of Pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) should be introduced into the routine pre-school immunisation programme from January 2002. The current immunisation programme against whooping cough consists of a series of vaccines at 2,3, and 4 months of age. Despite high vaccine uptake, whooping cough continues to be a cause of illness and death in children too young to be fully protected. Evidence has shown that babies may be catching whooping cough from older siblings or possibly parents. The new vaccine, acellular pertussis, will be given in combination with Diphtheria and Tetanus at age four and a half. Many European countries as well as the USA already give acellular pertussis and a study by the Department of Health has shown no increase in reactions or new safety concerns. Children who have already had their pre-school boosters do not need the extra pertussis vaccine. For further information please contact your Health Visitor, Practice Nurse or the Dept of Health site: www.doh.gov.uk
MONDAY 6 MAY 2002 |
MONDAY 20 MAY 2002 |
MONDAY 3 JUNE 2002 |
8.30am to 11.30am |
Patient Services Information
Ask Your Pharmacist – You will be taking Good Advice
All Pharmacists have completed a four-year degree course and a year pre-registration in the community before they are allowed to practice. They therefore have a great deal of expertise on drugs and their effect on your body. Pharmacists are the ideal people to give you advice on side-effects, interactions or general questions on your medication. Often your GP may be busy or you may forget to ask them any questions about your medication so feel free to ask your Pharmacist.
Their main work however is the dispensing of both NHS and private prescriptions. They also act as a final check on the prescribing process. This is why you may occasionally be asked to wait while they contact your GP to clarify any points they may have about the medication you have been prescribed. Another aspect of their work is giving general medical advice to the public. They can talk in confidence about common illnesses and healthcare topics and be a source of any healthcare information that you may need. They have a wide range of leaflets to enable them to do this and of course all Pharmacies stock a wide range of healthcare products to help you.
From all Doctors and Staff of the Green Practice