8.30am to 11.30am

Patient Services Information

Daily Closure: 1pm to 2pm

The practice has been operating this closure since December 2000. This is mainly due to staff shortages/training and ever increasing workload. It provides the staff with an opportunity to catch-up on work. We still appreciate your co-operation in avoiding contacting the surgery during this period. (we are open for urgent medical attention). NB: the other practice (Blue practice) is a separate GP practice and are not able to help with your requests or enquiries.

Video Camera Use

You may be asked if you would be willing to have your consultation with the doctor recorded on video. These tapes are used for assessment of the doctor’s consultation skills. They are mainly viewed within the practice but may be seen by external assessors.
The practice Registrar videos surgeries once weekly. The GPs involved in training the Registrar use the video camera as do GPs being assessed for FBA (Fellowship by Assessment).
You will be asked for your written consent before and after your consultation. Thank you for considering this.

Staff Roles:

Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)

The Stockbridge Health Centre CMHT offers a multidisciplinary approach to the care of those experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and manic depression. The team consists of four Community Psychiatric Nurses and a Mental Health Support Worker, a Clinical Psychologist and Consultant Psychiatrist. There is access to a Social Worker and Occupational Therapist based elsewhere.
Referral to our service is usually via the GP, Psychiatrist, Social Worker or other healthcare professional. Clients are invited to the Health Centre for a full mental health assessment, which may include the completion of rating scales. A care/treatment plan is agreed with the client, stating frequency and duration of contact, which can range from four meetings to regular ongoing involvement with the more seriously affected. The team often make home visits to liaise with carers and assess domestic circumstances. Symptoms - thoughts, feelings, behaviours and their management to alleviate distress are discussed. The therapeutic effects and side-affects of medication are closely monitored. There is close co-operation between Community Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and day hospital to maintain clients at home. Community Mental Health Team expertise has contributed to a considerable reduction in admissions to psychiatric hospitals.

Clinical Care

HIB Immunisation Campaign: If your child is under 4 years of age and has not had this catch-up vaccine please arrange this now. Pick up a leaflet from reception or telephone 260 9206 (Lesley Horn, HV) who will be happy to help.


Summer/Autumn 2003

Patient Services Information (continued)


You may have noticed a computer terminal recently sited in the waiting area to the left of our reception desk with ‘INTOUCH’ advertised on it. This is an easy to use service for all our patients, providing details on a wide range of local health and social services and information on prescribed medications as well as education classes. Please feel free to use this service at any time. The information is intended for adults, and we therefore ask that children do not use the facility unless in the presence of an adult. Unfortunately it is not possible to print out information from the screen. The reception staff will be happy to provide paper and pen if requested.


Dr Fiona Nicol

Congratulations to Dr Nicol who was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners following her recent assessment. This achievement built on the work done by our team in attaining the Quality Practice Award. Drs Rodgers and Parker are at present also working towards their assessments for Fellowship next year.

District Nurse Team

The Green Practice welcomes Nikki Wraight and Judith Horrocks to the District Nurse Team.
Nikki trained in Edinburgh and has since specialised in rehabilitation care of the elderly at Liberton Hospital and brain injury rehabilitation at the Astley Ainslie Hospital. She thoroughly enjoys her translation to community nursing.
Judith did her general nurse training in Yorkshire, and midwifery and district nurse training in Edinburgh. She has been a community nurse in England, Canada and Scotland and after 3 years world travel has returned to district nursing in Edinburgh.

Registrar – Dr Morag Reid

Vale Atque Ave

Dr Morag Reid completes a very successful year of GP training under the guidance of Dr Fiona Nicol and achieved her MRCGP with distinction. Dr Reid will work for the practice doing locum sessions when available.

Cead Mile Failte

Dr Sarah Houston has the unenviable task of stepping into Dr Reid’s place. Dr Houston comes directly from Mid-Ulster Hospital Trust in County Antrim, Northern Ireland where she was working as a Senior House Officer. Dr Houston is a very keen musician and has obtained her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
She will be given guidance from our recently appointed lead trainer Dr Janet Sayers.

Repeat prescriptions: order your medication day or night:Click to order scripts