Summer/Autumn 2005 
CLOSED (NHS24- 08454 242424)
Patient Services Information
Practice Quality Points –
The new performance tables!
You may have seen a recent newspaper article that listed all of the General Practices in Scotland and revealed the percentage of quality points they had achieved for the year. This relates to the new contract for GPs introduced in 2004, part of which is the ‘quality and outcomes framework’. Points are awarded for specific targets being achieved in the management of a number of diseases (heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy etc.) and also for non-clinical areas such as surveying patient satisfaction. The Government set these targets as indicators of high quality care.
Our practice team worked hard to ensure that we performed well under these new guidelines, and we ultimately achieved 99.6% of the total points available. We have been asked by several patients why we did not appear in the newspaper article. In fact we did, although for reasons unknown we were referred to simply as ‘Green’, whereas other practices tended to have their full name or the doctors names printed.
The doctors are very grateful to the excellent team members who worked with such dedication and enthusiasm throughout the year, coping admirably with the considerable changes imposed under the new contract. We would also like to thank all of our patients, who co-operated in attending for review appointments, completed satisfaction surveys and provided useful feedback through the year, helping to make this achievement possible.
Clinical Issues
Summertimes blues 
Summer is finally here but in Scotland we are not used to blazing sunshine and so are often unprepared for summer ills. The most common
Sunburn – an inflammatory response of the skin to excessive exposure to UV radiation in the sun’s rays. UV radiation can damage the skin and cause an ageing effect. Overexposure to the sun makes the skin become hot, red and swollen with pain and discomfort. In more severe cases blistering occurs and you may feel feverish with nausea and shivering. A sun protection factor (SPF) cream of at least 15 is recommended for prevention and should be applied liberally to all exposed areas of skin reapplying every 2 hours while exposed or after swimming. Seek shade especially at midday and wear a wide brimmed sun hat. Sunburn can be soothed with calamine lotion and pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Heat Stroke – a high fever and collapse caused by failure of the body’s heat-regulation mechanism. It can sometimes occur in children who have been outside on a really hot day at home or on holiday abroad without adequate protective clothing. Symptoms include headache, nausea, tiredness, fever, hot flushed skin, occasionally chest pain and anxiety. Treatment includes measures to reduce the temperature such as covering the body with damp towels, use of a fan and cool packs, giving water to drink and seeking medical advice. In order to avoid heat stroke acclimatise to heat and humidity slowly, drink plenty of fluid but not alcohol, wear light loose clothing, stay in the shade if possible and limit sunbathing.
Prickly heat-a rash that occurs when the sweat glands on the skin become blocked as a result of prolonged exposure of the skin to sweat e.g. under clothing. The rash feels prickly rather than itchy and commonly occurs in skin folds where clothing rubs. An attack can last a few weeks while the blockage clears. Calamine lotion can provide relief and chronic sufferers can use an antihistamine such as certirizine or loratidine once a day during the period of risk e.g. on holiday
Lift Update
Work has started on production of the new lift and we understand work should be completed by the 10th of August. Please ensure when booking appointments over this period you alert the receptionist to the fact that you cannot manage the stairs. If you feel that with help, you can manage the stairs use the intercom system at the foot of the stairs so you can alert the practice that you require help. |
Staff News
GP Registrar
Dr Nicola Smithson (GP Registrar) will be returning to the practice in September following the birth of Eloise. We also welcome Dr Hayley Hannah who is our new GP Registrar for 2005/2006.
Staff Roles: IT Facilitator
My name is Russel Sanders and I am the IT Facilitator at The Green Practice. I have been with the practice for 8 years. My job is primarily to ensure the smooth running of all the IT systems within the practice. One of the important parts of my job (as well as the rest of the team) relates to the new GMS contract, ensuring that the practice meets all the required Government targets.
I work alongside the other computer operators coding information into patient’s data files. This is particularly important for patient’s who have a chronic disease. I also do all the IT training for staff members and designed our website which is updated continually. We are one of the many pilot practices for new clinical software interfaces which helps develop IT systems throughout Scotland and in turn improves overall patient care.
Bluebell Day on June 6th was an awareness and fund raising day for Postnatal Depression, which affects 10-15% of women having babies. It is to be distinguished from Baby Blues, which most women suffer in the week after child birth, and from Puerperal Psychosis-a severe mental illness with an incidence of 2 per 1000 births. Postnatal Depression is a family affliction with both parents suffering and, if unhealed, can have an adverse effect on the child’s psychological social and educational development.
The Edinburgh Postnatal Project founded 14 years ago, provides counselling and support for postnatally depressed families, has established services in West Lothian, The Borders and elsewhere and hopes to further extend service provision in Scotland. The Green Practice staff and patients contributed £103.25 to this campaign in June.

All the pharmacies named below visit the Health Centre or arrange for your prescription to be sent to their premises via SAE:
- BOOTS (Princes St/Craigleith)
Please note that the turnaround time for prescriptions is now 48 hours. Please contact the reception staff if you have any queries as to how to order your prescription or if you would like it collected.
Please also note that prescriptions can be ordered via email see our website for more information.