Christmas 2002
Patient Services Information
Appointment Availability
Recent new articles have indicated that patients in Scotland are increasingly concerned about the length of time they have to wait to see a doctor. Our practice standards are as follows:
- Routine appointments with a named GP will be available within 7 working days
- Routine appointments with an un-named GP will be available within 3 working days
- Semi-urgent appointments will be available either the same day or the following morning
- Urgent appointments will be seen the same day
Availability will vary and depend on holidays etc. Future availability is monitored and where deemed necessary a locum GP will be appointed or partner will undertake an extra session to cope with demand.
How can you help us?
- Pre plan for future non-urgent appointments with specific GPs
- Please take a note of your appointment date and time or ask the receptionist for an appointment card
- If you are unable to attend your appointment then allow adequate time for this cancellation to be offered to another patient.
We have approximately 102 appointments per month that patients fail to turn up for or cancel.
Patient Information GP Special Interests
All the Green Practice GPs see patients with varying medical problems but each GP has an area of medicine they find particularly interesting and have further training in:
Dr Nicol has a special interest in asthma and general adult medicine.
Dr Berrey works in a project specialising in gay men’s health and has a particular interest in genitourinary and psychosexual medicine.
Dr Parker is especially interested in maternity care.
Dr Sayers recently obtained a Diploma in dermatology and works in a hospital skin clinic.
Dr Rodgers has a special interest in mental health problems.
Dr McLaren trained as a surgeon and his speciality is in minor surgery, musculoskeletal and orthopaedic problems.
Staff Roles
What is a Practice Manager (PM)?
As PM I am responsible for the administrative, financial and day to day running of the practice. I am also responsible as Health Centre Manager on behalf of Lothian Primary Care Trust for ensuring that the building meets Health and Safety regulations, providing a safe environment for staff, patients and visitors alike. Practice duties range from setting up protocols, training and appraising staff; ordering stores, vaccines etc; paying staff, taxman, suppliers, dealing with complaints as per the practice policy; ensuring GP and Practice Nurse appointments are in place, holidays, locums hired to cover shortages; making sure enough trained reception/secretarial staff are on duty to provide patients access to the services the practice offers (when short I step in to cover the duty myself); attend numerous meetings; to cleaning up after a sick patient! It’s all in a day’s work.
As PM I am keen to hear patients’ views/suggestions regarding the services we provide and, if realistic and achievable, these options can be implemented.
So, in short, a PM is about: managing change, meeting targets, payroll and banking, typing, making appointments, filing, training staff, fixing machinery, cleaning, counselling – “all things to all people”. (Well not quite! in some practices staff are being trained as phlebotomists (blood taking), that’s one task I won’t be undertaking).
Linda Skeldon Practice Manager
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Wednesday 25 December 2002 - Closed
Thursday 26 December 2002 - Closed
Wednesdy 1 January 2003 - Closed
Thursday 2 January 2003 - Closed
Patient Services Information
Why the doctor keeps you waiting
One appointment with the doctor or nurse lasts 10 minutes. This includes the time that it takes you to gather your coat/bag/child/book/papers and walk down the corridor! It is just enough time to deal with one problem but if you need to be examined and find it difficult to dress or get on the couch it may well take longer. Of course all of us would welcome more time but every day most appointments are filled. If you feel you need to be seen by a doctor or nurse the same day we will always try and arrange that and we offer an extra emergency surgery where you will be asked to come at a certain time and wait to be seen. You can appreciate that if you arrive late even by a couple of minutes this time adds up and if several people do this during a single surgery the doctor can run later and later. More and more people turn up late sometimes through no fault of their own because of heavy traffic or not finding a parking space. While we understand this sometimes people expect us to fit in with them. If you are late and are seen this clearly has an impact on the patients who are after you.
Sometimes patients save up problems for one appointment; the most I have been asked to deal with in one consultation is nine, not enough time to hear what they are without eating into the next patient’s slot. If you want the doctor to be able to help be prepared to make a double appointment or come back another time.
Finally, some patients have very complex problems that cannot be dealt with in 10 minutes. We always try and give the time to this where possible.
Obviously if you happen to have the slot after that patient the doctor will be aware of the effect that may be having on you. All in all we try to offer what patients want within the system. Help us to help you by always letting us know if you are going to be late or miss the appointment. Be prepared to reschedule if asked and thanks to all of you who are supportive and understanding with the reception staff who do a great job in difficult circumstances. Let us have your constructive suggestions in the suggestion box.
Dr F Nicol
Shena Carroll, District Nurse Team Leader and Stockbridge Health Centre Nurse Team Co-ordinator retires in December.
Shena’s general nurse training in Edinburgh was followed by theatre nursing at the City Hospital and night duty while her children were young. After completing her District Nurse course at Queen Margaret College she worked at Mill Lane and Inverleith Row before beginning her 14 years service at Stockbridge Health Centre.
Shena’s nursing experience is eclectic but HIV/Aids support, discharge management, terminal care and team development have been particular interests. She has contributed to best practice in district nursing, through clinical protocols and improved teamwork, co-ordinated the district nurse component of the Green Quality Practice Award and the Blue Practice Accreditation as well as passionately representing District Nursing and Stockbridge at LHCC meetings.
Shena is married to Jim, retired policeman, has 4 adult daughters, 2 granddaughters aged 3 and 1 year and Sandy the cat. She loves cooking, entertains generously, visits France often, and enjoys art and theatre. She is making good progress after surgery to her hip. Shena and Jim are soon to move to their designer house in the Borders. Bonne Route!
May we take this opportunity to wish all our patients a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
 (Editor, Sub-Editor & Manager!!) |