Patient Services Information
Protected Learning Time
We will be closed the last Wednesday of each month (excluding December) for training, the next closure date is:
Wednesday 28th January 2004
The LHCC (Lothian Health Care Co-op) has agreed that all staff throughout Lothian need time set aside, away from ringing telephones etc, to undertake clinical and developmental training, with the aim of improving services which will benefit both patients and staff.
Medical cover will be provided by NEEDS (North Edinburgh Emergency Doctors Service), if you need to contact a doctor for essential medical treatment then please telephone:
260 9227
you will be given an alterative number to call.
Please arrange to collect your prescriptions or letters etc before midday on Wednesday.
We have recently reviewed our service for patients suffering from epilepsy, and plan to offer a review appointment at least once per year to all patients who are taking medication for this condition. This will be an opportunity to discuss any problems or concerns with the doctor, and we hope that patients will find this contact useful.
Epilepsy Scotland is an excellent organisation providing support and advice on epilepsy sufferers. They have a helpline which patients can telephone, and their website contains a lot of very helpful information and practical advice.
Helpline Telephone No: 0808 800 2200
Student Led Surgery
Student led surgeries aim to allow senior medical students experience of patient consultations under GP supervision. The student begins the consultation, takes a history, undertakes appropriate examinations and suggest advice or treatment – always in the present of a GP who remains responsible for the patient’s management.
This is an immensely valuable aspect of medical student education and we appreciate your co-operation.
The Health Visitors, District Nurses and Practice Nurses regularly have student nurses on community nursing placements. Your permission in allowing these students to accompany home visits or to sit-in on surgeries is gratefully acknowledged.
National Child Birth Trust
The Health Centre is no longer able to accommodate NCT who rented a room for 28 years offering an excellent service to mothers and babies. Their new address is NCT Centre University Health Service Fifth Floor 6 Bristo Square EH8 9AL 0131 668 3257
Immunisation Campaigns
‘Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccine’
The Practice still has ‘Flu’ and pneumococcal vaccine to offer to eligible patients (please see notices in the Health Centre or ask at reception to check your eligibility – chronic disease, aged over 65 years or a carer at home).
If you are able to come to the health centre telephone 260 9226 to make an appointment. If you require to be immunised at home, call the Health Visitors: Lesley Horn: 260 9206 or Catherine Beveridge: 260 9207 to arrange a visit.
Haemophilus Influenza B (HIB)
A 4th booster HIB immunisation is recommended for all children born between 02/04/99 and 03/04/03. Please call Lesley Horn, HV 260 9206 to make appointment or call 260 9226 to arrange an appointment with the Practice Nurse.
December 2003
- Thursday 25 December 2003 - Closed
- Friday 26 December 2003 - Closed
- Thursday 1 January 2004 - Closed
- Friday 2 January 2004 - Closed
Staff News
Movers & Shakers
Leanne Dudgeon our receptionist left on Wednesday 29th October 2003 to start her maternity leave. Watch this space for news of the impending arrival.
We welcome the return of Dr Morag Reid who is now the Green Practice GP Retainer, doing four sessions per week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday).
Practice Nurse Training
I am one of nine Practice Nurses across Scotland who has completed a course to become a qualified Practice Nurse Trainer.
My first trainee is Miriam O’Rawe. She is currently employed as a Staff Nurse in Intensive Care at the Royal Infirmary for 6 years. She would like to move into the primary care setting.
Miriam will sit in with me one day per week whilst I see patients, learning initially by observation. Your help in allowing her to listen and learn is much appreciated – you will always be asked if this is acceptable to you.
This process is likely to take 6-12 months as the trainee will continue to work in their hospital post during their primary care training.
Pauline Waugh
Lead Practice Nurse
Patient Information
New Health Care Development
As we continue to expand our range of services and take on additional tasks that were previously carried out in hospital clinics, our current health centre is becoming increasingly cramped. There is a general agreement that we need new premises offering more space and a better design, and proposals for a new health centre development are currently being discussed.
We are very keen to seek the views of service users as early as possible in this process, and are planning to run several small focus groups to obtain feedback. Our local patient involvement worker Zoe Eden has kindly agreed to co-ordinate these groups, and she has asked for the names of volunteers. There would be 5-6 groups, each including 8-10 people meeting for one to one and half hours.
So if you are interested in taking part, we would be most grateful if you could let our Practice Manager know so that we can forward your name to Zoe Eden.
May we take this opportunity to wish all our patients a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2004

(Editor, Sub-Editor & Manager!!)