Clinical Issues Mumps Infection There has been a recent increase in mumps infection in young people in Scotland. The majority of recorded cases have been in teenagers and young adults (13-25 years). This age group would not have had the opportunity to receive two doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine in the routine childhood immunisation schedule. Across Scotland there have been 1061 cases of mumps this year compared with 20 over the same period last year. Mumps virus is spread from person to person by respiratory droplets or by direct contact with the saliva from infected individuals e.g. coughing, sneezing and kissing. Signs and symptoms include swelling of one or both cheeks and sometimes the jaw, preceded by fever, headache and general symptoms such as tiredness and joint aches. Death is a very rare outcome of mumps but there can be some complications.
The Chief Medical Officer has advised that GPs should offer MMR vaccination to young people who have not previously received two doses of mumps containing vaccine. It is considered particularly important for those aged 17-20 years attending school, university or further education. To make an appointment for the vaccine call 0131 260 9226, to enquire if you have had two courses of mumps vaccine call 0131 260 9227. Further information can be found on ![]() Staff NewsComings & Goings!Dr Janet Sayers has taken an educational sabbatical period and will return in April 2005. Dr Nairn McLeod will work as Locum replacement for Dr Sayers. Nurse Lyndsay Gentles left the practice for another Practice Nurse post in Edinburgh – working more hours than we could offer. Gillian Dunn joined our reception team earlier this year. Staff Role: Community MidwifeAs one of three midwives at Stockbridge Health Centre I work as the full-time midwife for the Green Practice. Angela Tansley works full-time for the Blue Practice and Jean Laing works part-time for both. We are based at Corstorphine Hospital where we are part of a larger team of 10 midwives. Within the Health Centre we look after women on a shared-care basis with the GPs. We are responsible for ante-natal screening, health promotion related to pregnancy, assessment of the growing baby and parent education. As Community Midwives we do not deliver women who are booked to have their babies in hospital, however we do deliver women who are having their baby at home. We visit all new families after home or hospital births until the baby is 10 days old. During this period we offer support for breast/bottle feeding, parent education and monitor the health and well-being of both mother and baby and occasionally Dad! Since starting with the Green Practice in June 2004 I feel that I have built a good relationship with many of the ladies and I feel a great satisfaction when I visit the new family at home and see that the bumps that toiled to climb the stairs to the Thursday antenatal clinic are now adorable little babies intent on turning night into day for their parents! When the baby is 10 days old we hand the care over to Lesley and Catherine, Health Visitors. On a personal note since coming to work with the Green Practice I feel I have settled into my post and enjoy being part of the team. Diane McInally |
December 2004
Patient Services InformationPeak Flow MetersPeak-expiratory flow meters manufactured to the new European Standard EN 13826 were introduced on 1st September 2004 with the traditional Wright –scale peak flow meters being phased out. The Wright scaled used for the diagnosis and management of asthma since 1959 has been shown to over-read by up to 30%, which could lead to falsely reassuring patients with asthma. If you are asthmatic and have not received a new peak flow meter (Micropeak) please ask at reception for a prescription or alternatively see the Practice Nurse for an asthma review. Health Screening Smoking StatusYou may have noticed that we have a smoking status form on the front reception desk. Thank you to all who have provided us with this information so far. As a Quality Practice it is important for us to have up to date clinical information about our patients and we are grateful for patients continued support in this by completing the form on visiting the practice. Thank you. ![]() Patient InformationPatient Satisfaction QuestionniareThe Practice would like to thank all patients who participated in this exercise earlier this year. Your views and comments are important to us. We as a team have met and discussed these and will report in a separate newsletter on our progress in implementing any possible changes/suggestions identified by your comments. Warm & Well – For every degree Celsius below the winter average in the UK there are 8,000 extra deaths!Warm and Well helps people whose housing may be adversely affecting their health by making their homes as warm and energy efficient as possible. Extra funding has been given by the City of Edinburgh Council to provide necessary financial assistance to improve the housing of those whose health is at risk. We are encouraging health professionals to refer patients for this resource as soon as possible to ensure that they can benefit this financial year.
Christmas Quiz