www.greenpractice-shc.co.uk (Also find us on Facebook and Twitter - @SHCGreen) |
Direct Dial Numbers : |
Appointments: 0131 260 9226 |
Enquiries: 0131 260 9227 |
(In the event of telephone lines giving an out-of-order message dial: 0131 225 9191 to reach the practice) |
8.30am to 6.00pm
Closed Saturday/Sunday & Public Holidays
Out-of-hours contact number: 111
(Text phone users: 18001 111)
The Doctors |
GP Partners: |
Dr Janet Sayers MBChB (1986) DA, MRCGP, DCCH, DGM, Dip.Derm. Consults: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (part-time) |
Dr Morag Reid MBChB (1998) BSc, MRCP, MRCGP, DRCOG Consults: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (part-time) |
Dr Joanna Richards
MBChB BSc (Hons), DFP, DRCOG, MRCGP Consults:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday (part-time) |
Dr Susan Martin
Monday, Thursday & Friday (part-time) |
Dr Jennifer Lamb MBChB (2001) BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP Consults: Monday, Wednesday & Friday (part time) |
Dr Patrick Gilson MBChB, MRCP, DTM&H Consults: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Salaried GP:
Dr Melissa Vipond MBChB (2016) Consults: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (part-time) |
How to Register |
You may register with any practice that covers your home address. You may also change your registration from one practice to another in the same area for any reason at any time. To register all you need to do is to approach the practice and ask if new patients are being accepted.
When you approach the practice, we will ask you to complete a registration form and a form detailing your past medical and family histories. These forms are available on our website under the registration tab. If you cannot access them online, please call us on 0131 260 9227 and we can arrange for hard copies to be set aside for you to collect.
There are two GP practices in the Health Centre who register patients on alternate days. If you are staying with a family member or partner, you should register with the same practice as them.
Two forms of identification are required from everyone to register, one of which should be photo ID (passport or UK driving licence). The other should be confirmation of your address.
We always require some form of confirmation of your home address at the time of registration e.g. utility bill/council tax bill/lease agreement/mortgage statement/TV licence etc. We do not accept bank statements as proof of your address. If you were born out-with the UK, we will also require confirmation of eligibility of NHS entitlement e.g. valid passport and visa; full-time student status letter, contract of employment. Full details can be found on our website: www.greenpractice-shc.co.uk |
Appointments |
Telephone: 260 9226 |
Please telephone between 8.30am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm. You will be offered the first available appointment with the doctor you ask for. If your problem is urgent, please explain this to the receptionist. (Please use this number to make, cancel or check the time of appointments with either the doctor or nurse). |
Cancellations |
Telephone: 260 9226 |
Please inform reception as soon as possible if you cannot keep your appointment so that we can offer it to someone else. |
Home Visits |
Telephone: 260 9227 |
We would be grateful if requests for home visits were made before 10.30am if possible. These are for patients who are unable to visit the surgery because of their medical condition. Usually your own doctor will make the visit, but if calls are requested later in the day another doctor may come. |
Telephone Advice |
Telephone: 260 9227 |
The doctors and practice nurses are happy to offer advice on the telephone, during the practice's hours of opening. If the call is urgent, please say so to the receptionist at the start of the call to ensure high priority. Individual doctors/nurses are not always available to take calls immediately! You may be asked to speak with another member of staff, to wait until the preferred doctor is free to call back, or to call back at a given time. |
Out-Of-Hours/Public Holidays (LUCS) |
Telephone : 111 |
The surgery is closed from 6.00pm to 8.00am weekdays. We are not open on Saturday or Sunday. These periods and Public Holidays are covered by Lothian Unscheduled Care Service (LUCS), commissioned by Lothian NHS Board.
In the event of a life threatening emergency telephone 999. For urgent medical advice telephone NHS24 111 (www.nhs24.com).
Should you require urgent medical advice during these times, please call the NHS24 number above. A specially trained nurse will give you advice, and when necessary, arrange for you to be seen by a doctor at a treatment centre or at home. (This number is also available by telephoning the practice out-of-hours when a recorded message will give the NHS24 number). Patient confidentiality will be maintained. |
Lothian NHS Board |
The practice is contracted to Lothian NHS Board to provide primary care services to our patients. Details of other health services in the area can be obtained at the following address: www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk |
Availability |
Availability may vary depending on holidays etc, but we aim to meet the following standards:
- Routine appointments with a named GP will be available within 7 working days
- routine appointments with an unnamed GP will be available within 3 working days
- Semi-urgent appointments will be available either the same day or the following morning
- Urgent requests will be seen the same day
Advocacy/Chaperones/Interpreter |
Patients are welcome to attend any appointment accompanied by a friend or relative if they find this helpful. Patients attending on their own may also ask for a chaperone to be provided during a consultation with the doctor or nurse. If you require an interpreter, we can organise one to accompany you to see the doctor or nurse or ensure one is available over the phone for translation (please ask reception for details). This leaflet is available in Cantonese. |
Disabled Access/Aids |
The Health Centre's main entrance has automatic doors as does the waiting room on the 1st floor. All patient toilets have wheelchair access. There is a lift to all floors. A hearing loop is in place at the front reception desk. A large print/audio/or Braille version of this leaflet may be requested |
Parking |
There is metered parking and designated disabled parking near the Health Centre. |
Repeat Prescriptions |
For patients on regular medicines, the doctor may arrange issue of repeat prescriptions without requiring an appointment. (contraceptive pill, hormone replacement therapy and antibiotics will normally require an appointment).
You will usually be given a re-order slip with details of your repeat medicines when you collect medication from your preferred pharmacy. Please note we do not take requests for medication over the phone. You may order your repeat prescriptions by visiting our website (www.greenpractice-shc.co.uk ) under the prescription tab, directly from one of the local pharmacies (see list below), by post (with stamped envelope provided by yourself) or by handing in at the reception desk.
All prescriptions will be ready 72hrs hours later (requests on a Friday will be ready on Wednesday)
Remember you will still need to see your own doctor regularly to check on any problems or side-effects. |
Chemists |
No dispensing is done by the practice. Most chemists in the area are open until 6pm. Chemists who collect prescriptions:
You may request your prescription be collected on your behalf by one of the following pharmacies:
Chemist |
Address |
Phone No. |
Rightdose |
6 Eyre Pl |
556 1908 |
Broughton Pharmacy |
Broughton St |
556 1054 |
Boots |
Comely Bank Rd |
332 2073 |
Boots (Posted) |
Davidson Mains |
312 8600 |
Boots |
8 Craigleith Park |
332 6114 |
Boots (Posted) |
101-103 Princes St |
225 8331 |
Boots (Posted) |
St James Centre |
556 1062 |
Boots (Posted) |
46-48 Shandwick Pl |
225 6757 |
Stockbridge Pharmacy |
North West Circus Place |
220 9150 |
Lindsay & Gilmour |
2 Hillhouse Rd |
332 3602 |
Lloyds |
7 Deanhaugh Street |
332 5721 |
Tesco |
Broughton Rd |
289 0017 |
Additional pharmacies may be added to the list. The patient should approach the pharmacy of their choice and ask if they are willing to collect repeat prescriptions from the practice, informing the practice so that we can update our list and the patient record.
Practice Manager & Reception Staff |
The practice manager and his staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of the practice. They will be happy to help you with any questions you have about the practice. |
Practice Nurses |
Telephone: 260 9226 |
Appointments can be made with the practice nurses for cervical smears, cystitis, asthma, diabetic and blood pressure checks; immunisations; travel advice and vaccinations; contraceptive advice; ear syringing and well woman/well man checks (including dietary and smoking advice). |
District Nurses |
Telephone: 260 9202 |
The district nurses provide nursing care at home. |
Health Visitors |
Telephone: 260 9204 |
The health visitors are available to give advice on health care, particularly for expectant mothers, babies and small children, the elderly and the disabled. They run regular baby clinics, and work with the GP at the antenatal booking clinics. They see patients both at home and in the surgery. |
Mental Health Team |
Telephone: 315 2026 |
The clinical psychologist and community psychiatric nurses all see patients by appointment, usually referred by the doctor. |
GP Registrar Scheme |
As a training practice we have doctors with us whose previous experience has been solely in hospital. They usually join us for a one-year placement.
Occasionally patients are asked if they will take part in a video recording of a doctor's surgery for use in teaching and assessment within the practice. The video will only be of the patient and the doctor talking, and no intimate examination is done in front of the camera, and will only be shown to their mentor GP based at the practice. You will of course be asked for your consent. We are very grateful to the patients who help with this exercise. |
Medical Students |
From time to time a senior medical student may accompany one of the doctors. Your help in allowing them to listen and learn would be much appreciated, but you will always be asked if this is acceptable to you.
Students are sometimes asked to interview patients themselves. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated, but there is no problem whatsoever if you would prefer not to be involved. |
Community Midwives |
536 2009 |
Patients no longer need to confirm a pregnancy with their GP if they have a positive result. Patients can now book directly with the midwife via the 'centralised booking service': by telephoning the above number. The midwives are based at Pennywell All Care Centre Tele: 0131 286 5030 and hold clinics within Stockbridge Health Centre. However, you may still make appointments to see your GP at any point during your pregnancy. Antenatal classes are organised by the community midwives and are also held in the Health Centre.
We understand not all pregnancies are planned and we understand women sometimes aren't always ready to be mothers. Those seeking to terminate a pregnancy should call 0131 536 2454 (between 9am-3pm, Mon-Fri) and an initial assessment appointment will be arranged at one of the Choices clinics (usually at Chalmers Centre).
Asthma - Practice nurses Pauline Waugh and Becky Millar have special asthma training and offer assessment and review appointments. You may be invited to these, but if you are interested in attending and have not received an invitation, then please ask at reception. |
Cervical Smears - These important screening tests for early changes associated with cervical cancer are recommended for all women age 25-64 every three years. The practice nurses normally perform them; the best time to take a smear is midway between periods. |
Children - Babies and children under 5 can be seen at the weekly clinic run by the health visitors for developmental checks. The Community Vaccination Team (CVT) perform childhood immunisations. Tel 0131 536 0465. |
Contraception - All doctors and practice nurses provide contraceptive services. Dr Sayers can fit IUDs (coils) whilst Dr Martin can fit both IUDs and implanons. |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Practice nurse Pauline Waugh has special training in this area and can offer assessment and review appointments for all patients with this condition. |
Diabetes - We have a special interest in this condition in the practice and run a diabetic clinic twice per month where patients are reviewed by Dr Reid or Dr Lamb and a practice nurse. |
Ischaemic Heart Disease - Review appointments are offered by one of the practice nurses for all patients with this condition. |
Maternity Care - We have a longstanding interest and involvement in maternity care in the practice. All of the doctors, health visitors and attached community midwives provide a full range of maternity services. |
Mental Health Problems - Mental health problems are very common and we offer patients the opportunity to discuss problems as early as possible. We are able to offer support here, and advise on other services available locally. |
Osteoporosis - We are interested in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The practice nurses offer assessment and advice on this condition. Regular exercise, avoiding smoking and plenty of calcium in the diet all help reduce the risk for men and women. |
Sexual health - There are worrying increases in sexually transmitted infections for people of all ages in the UK. Younger women are at particular risk of chlamydia, which can cause infertility yet may show no symptoms. HIV/AIDS now affects more heterosexuals than homosexual men and continues to spread. We can offer the hepatitis B vaccine to anyone at risk. |
Smoking Cessation - The local pharmacies will see people who are motivated to stop smoking for advice and support. |
Surgery - Procedures such as incision of abscesses, removal of skin lesions, injection of joints and wart treatment are carried out in the practice. Dr Martin and Dr Sayers perform minor surgery. Both Dr Lamb and Dr Gilson perform steroid joint injections. Physiotherapy - Patients are able to book in with our practice physiotherapist who is able to refer them for x-rays, offer exercises that may help problem areas as well as arrange further support through physiotherapy rehab or orthopaedics. She offers appointments on Wednesday or Thursday mornings. |
Testicular Self-Examination - Testicular cancer is the most common cause of death in younger men apart from road traffic accidents and suicide. Early detection of any abnormality is important, testicular self-examination (TSE) can detect problems - we can show you how to do this or ask for a leaflet (also available on our website). |
Private / Non NHS Services |
The NHS does not cover certain services such as private sick notes or insurance claim forms, passport applications or some medical examinations. Charges are made in line with BMA recommendations. The full list of fees are displayed at reception. |
Change of Registration Details |
Please inform the practice if you change your name / address / telephone number so that your records can be amended. Please note if you move out-with our catchment area, we will ask you to register with a medical practice closer to where you now reside. |
Access to Medical Records - Data Protection Act 1998 |
You are welcome to access your medical records. We can provide copies of notes or results if you are able to submit a request in writing. We do have a request form available on our website under the GDPR tab at the bottom of the page or at our front desk. These can then be arranged for you to collect within 30 days of receipt of the request. |
Freedom of Information ( Scotland) Act 2002 |
Under Section 23 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (The Act), a 'public authority', which is defined as including General Practitioners, must prepare a publication scheme setting out the information it routinely makes publicly available. The British Medical Association Model Publication Scheme for General Practitioners in Scotland has been approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner who is responsible for promoting and enforcing the Act. In addition we have to review the scheme from time to time. Our General Practice has formally adopted the British Medical Association Model Publication Scheme for General Practitioners in Scotland and for all enquiries relating to practice information, which is contained in this scheme please contact (in writing): Mr Russel Sanders, Practice Manager, Green Practice, Stockbridge Health Centre, 1 India Place, Edinburgh EH3 6EH, Telephone 0131 260 9227 |
Suggestions/Feedback/Complaints |
We aim to provide a comprehensive range of services and would be pleased to receive any suggestions as to how we might improve our services.
The practice runs an in-house complaints procedure. If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the doctors or any of the staff working in the practice, please contact the practice manager or deputy practice manager. We will try our best to resolve matters as quickly as possible.
NHS Lothian Complaints Dept: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman 0800 377 7330 |
Confidentiality |
The doctors, nurses and all other members of staff operate a strict policy of patient confidentiality. You should therefore feel comfortable in disclosing any information you think is important in the knowledge that all information is protected and will not be released to anyone without your consent. Your personal health information will be used for your benefit by health care professionals at the practice. It will also, where appropriate, be forwarded to other health care professionals who are involved in your care. Anonymised data is used for audit and research purposes. |
Medical Records Inspection |
We occasionally take part in practice-based assessments to ensure that our high standards are maintained in the quality of care we provide. These assessments may involve inspection of individual patient records by external assessors who are not part of our team but who have expertise in the area of General Practice and are subject to the same duties of confidentiality as our own team members.
In addition, patient records may be examined by NHS Lothian inspectors to ensure that our claims for fees of specific NHS services are accurate.
Please note that you have a right to object to such a process, and any objection will be respected and will in no way affect the care you are given. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to approach our Practice Manager or our reception staff |
Non-Discrimination Policy |
We are committed to equal opportunities regardless of gender, creed, sexual orientation, age, colour or race. If you have a particular need or concern, we would welcome you making us aware of it i.e. carer. |
Violent/Abusive Patients |
We will not tolerate abusive or violent behaviour shown towards any member of staff or other persons within the practice premises. If this occurs, the individual concerned will be removed from our list. |
Rights and Responsibilities of the Patient |
We expect cooperation and civility in all dealings with staff. Any threats or aggressive behaviour directed towards staff or other patients is unacceptable. |
Useful Telephone Numbers
Practice Numbers: |
Appointments: |
260 9226
Cancellations: |
260 9226
District Nurses:
260 9202
Health Visitor: Diane Porteous |
260 9207
Practice Nurses:
Pauline Waugh |
260 9227
RGN; BSc Nursing & Health
Practice Nurses: Becky Millar |
260 9227 |
Healthcare Asst: Linda McMillan |
260 9227
Enquiries: |
260 9227
Home Visits: |
Results: |
Telephone Advice: |
Travel: |
Miscellaneous: |
Podiatry: |
536 1627
Lothian NHS Board: |
536 9000
Mental Health Team: |
537 5128 315 2121
Midwife Team: |
286 5030
Pennywell Team |
Midwife Team: |
536 2009
Centralised booking number |
Minor Injuries WGH |
537 3581 (no appointment necessary open 8am-9pm)
NHS24: |
Text phone users for NHS24: |
18001 111
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh: |
242 1000 (switchboard)
Royal Hospital for Sick Children: |
536 0000 (switchboard)
Western General Hospital : |
537 1000 (switchboard) |
Practice Area |
Our practice catchment area changed in September 2022. It is now outlined as noted below:
- To the North - Telford Road and Ferry Road
- To the East - Newhaven Road, Pilrig Street, Leith Walk and Leith Street
- To the South - Princes Street, Shandwick Place, West Maitland Street, Haymarket Terrace, West Coates, Roseburn Terrace and Corstorphine Road
- To the West - Murrayfield Road, Ravelston Dykes Road and Strachan Road