2023 |
- Dr McShane will be returning mid-October to complete her GP training with us in February.
- We will welcome Dr Catharine Verity and Dr Catherine Spilsbury in August as our new registrars. They will be with us for a year to complete their GP training.
2021 |
- January - The practice will be closed on Friday 1st January and Monday 4th January. From 11th January, eConsult is now live on our website!
- May - Dr Caroline Gallacher will return from her maternity leave.
2020 |
- April - Dr Caroline Gallacher has now started her maternity leave. She will return in May 2021.
- May - The practice will now be open on Monday 4th May.
- December - The practice will be closed on Friday 25th December and Monday 28th December.
Public Holidays
2019/20 |
- May - Monday 6th May 2019
- September - Monday 16th September 2019
- Christmas - Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th December 2019
- New Year - Wednesday 1st & Thursday 2nd January 2020
- May - Monday 4th May 2020
- September - Monday 21st September 2020
Clinicians June-19 |
Catriona Hewitt has joined our team as our physiotherapist in the Green Practice. Catriona is able to refer patients for x-rays, suggest exercises for problem areas and can also recommend medication to help relive musculoskeletal discomfort. Please ask for more information when booking appointments.
Dr Caroline Gallacher is re-joining the practice after a year's maternity leave and will become our GP Retainer for the next 5 years.
Dr Jack Bray has joined as our GP ST3 and will be here until February 2020. |
Public Holidays
2018/19 |
- May - Monday 7th May 2018
- September - Monday 17th September 2018
- Christmas - Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th December 2018
- New Year - Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd January 2019
- Easter - Friday 19th & Monday 22nd April 2019
Doctors Aug-18 |
Dr Daniel Anderson has completed his 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Declan Doyle is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until Dec 2018.
Dr Caroline Gallacher has completed her GP Registrar ST 3 year and has now left the Green Practice.
Dr Kathleen Breslin is joining as our GP Registrar ST 3 for 12 months and will be here until Aug 2019.
Dr Gillian Simpson is joining as our GP Registrar ST 1 for 6 months and will be here until Feb 2019. |
Public Holidays
2017/18 |
- May - Monday 1st May 2017
- September - Monday 18th September 2017
- Christmas - Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th December 2017
- New Year - Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd January 2018
- Easter - Friday 30th & Monday 2nd April 2018
Flu Vacc Sep-17 |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Doctors Aug-17 |
Dr Jasmine Shen has completed her 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Elizabeth Jones is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until Dec 2016.
Dr Caroline Gallacher is joining as our GP Registrar ST 3 for 12 months and will be here until Aug 2018.
Dr Claire Livsey is joining as our GP Registrar ST 1 for 6 months and will be here until Feb 2018. |
Practice June-17 |
System Update - Downtime
From Midday Thursday 22nd June 2017 the practice will be unable to access any patient's medical records.
We believe that the upgrade will be complete and everything returned to normal on Monday 26th June 2017.
We would appreciate your patience during this period, and would ask that you do not contact the surgery for non urgent/ routine appointments/test results/repeat/acute medication requests.
We will be operating a paper based system for URGENT medical attention only, Please can you assist the staff by giving a full explanation of your symptoms.
Please ensure that you have adequate supplies of ALL your medication before 22 June, as we are unable to generate prescriptions during this period.
We have discussed the issue with ALL local pharmacies and they are happy to help out with 'emergency supplies' until the system is back up and running, so please contact your usual pharmacy in the first instance if you have a problem.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance from all the staff in the Green Practice |
Staff June-17 |
Dr Johanna Reilly has complete her GP Registrar ST 3 training and has now left the practice. |
Staff May-17 |
Dr Rachel Stewart has completed her GP Registrar ST 3 training and has now left the practice.
Dr Kim Rollinson is joining as our new GP Retainer and will be working 4 sessions per week.
Dr Johanna Reilly has returned from her maternity leave to complete her GP Registrar ST 3 training and will be with the practice until June 2017 |
Staff April-17 |
Dr Rebecca Lapsley has completed her 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Jasmine Shen is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until July 2017.
Lee-Anne White our Phlebotomist/Receptionist has left the practice for a new job closer to home. We wish her well in her new job. |
Doctors Dec-16 |
Dr Sarah Taghizadeh has completed her 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Rebecca Lapsley is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until March 2017.
Dr Johanna Reilly has completed her GP Registrar ST 3 exams and has now left the practice to start her maternity leave.
Dr Nicola Baillie our retainer has left the practice to take up a new post as a Diabeties specialists. |
Public Holidays
2016/17 |
- Easter - Friday 25th& Monday 28th March 2016
- May - Monday 2th May 2016
- September - Monday 19th September 2016
- Christmas - Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th December 2016
- New Year - Monday 2nd& Tuesday 3rd January 2017
Doctors Aug-16 |
Dr Anda Bularga has completed his 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Sarah Taghizadeh is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until Dec 2016.
Dr Shabana Alam-Zahir is joining as our GP Registrar ST 3 for 14 months and will be here until Dec 2017.
Dr Garreth Callaghan is joining the practice as our Maternity cover for Dr Lamb. |
Doctors Mar-16 |
Dr Matthew Beattie has completed his 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Anda Bularga is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until June 2016.
Dr Rachel Stewart is joining as our GP Registrar ST 3 for 14 months and will be here until June 2017. |
Payments Mar-16 |
As of the 1st May 2016 the Green Practice will be unable to accept cheques as payment for any private work carried out. We can only accept cash payments.. |
Doctors Feb-16 |
Dr Kate MacPherson has completed her 6 months as a Retainer at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Nicola Baillie has completed her 6 months as a Returner at the Green Practice and has now left the practice. Dr Baillie will be starting back with us in April 2016 as out new Retainer. |
FY2 Dec-15 |
Dr Alex Stirzaker has completed her 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Matthew Beattie is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until April 2106. |
Doctors Aug-15 |
Dr Nicola Lewthwaite has completed her 12 months as a GP Registrar ST 3 at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Johanna Reilly is joining as our GP Registrar ST 3 for 16 months and will be here until November 2016. |
Public Holidays
2015/16 |
- Easter - Friday 3rd & Monday 6th April 2015
- May - Monday 5th May 2015
- September - Monday 21st September 2015
- Christmas - Friday 25th & Monday 28th December 2015
- New Year - Friday 1st & Monday 4th January 2016
Flu Vacc Sep-15 |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
FY2 Dec-14 |
Dr Stephanine Capaldi has completed her 4 months as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Green Practice and has now left the practice.
Dr Charlotte Hickson is joining as our Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until April 2105. |
Dr Watson Dec-14 |
Dr Lin Watson has left the practice to take up a partnership at another practice. Dr Watson was a retainer with us since April 2010 and we wish her well in her new post.
Registrar & Locum's Aug-14 |
Dr Alexandra Stephen has completed her 12 months training at the practice as a ST3 (3rd year registrar)
Dr Nicola Lewthwaite is joining for her registrar (ST3) for 12 months and will be here until Aug 2015.
Dr Kirsten Wooley has completed her registrar (ST1) for 6 months and has left the practice.
Dr Ingrid Sepp is joining for her registrar (ST1) for 6 months and will be here until Feb 2105.
Dr Stephanine Capaldi is joining as a Foundation Year 2 (FY2) for 4 months and will be here until Dec 2014. |
Newsletter Aug 2014
KICC - Keeping Active with a Chronic Condition
KICC Active Lothian offers gentle exercise classes for people who are living with a long term condition such as MS, Parkinson's Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease etc. There are 18 classes per week in 14 different locations around Lothian.
This service was set up Janice Thomson, who has MS, and who recognised the need for specialist classes for people with long term conditions who wished to keep active and healthy. The tutors who lead the classes have a high level of training.
The classes are holistic including yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and hydrotherapy to help improve posture, ease muscle pain and build energy levels. Each class costs around £5 per session.
Self management is critical to the Scottish Governments Quality Strategy which puts people at the heart of the NHS. They wish to empower patients to take more control of their own disease management and work with health professionals, carers and the community to improve their health and wellbeing.
The Green Practice recognises that this type of exercise class fits with this vision, and although we would seek to avoid promoting one type of health intervention over another, we would encourage our patients to investigate this and similar projects such as those run by Edinburgh Leisure.
Newsletter Summer 2014
Summer Newsletter has now been published, a hard copy is available in practice or can view on line
Summer 2014 Newsletter |
COPD Choir May-14 |
The Cheyne Gang Choir
Our Practice Nurses Pauline and Sarah started a choir in October 2013 for Green Practice patients who have the debilitating respiratory condition Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Research has shown that singing:
Improves breathing control
- Improves lung capacity
- Reduces anxiety
- Reduces COPD exacerbations
- Is a stress reliever
- Help with sleep quality
The Cheyne Gang recently helped raise £1500 for The British Lung Foundation by performing at a charity tea party.
Please help us raise funds to keep The Cheyne Gang singing by buying a book at our stall on the 2 nd floor.
If you have COPD and are interested in joining the choir please make a review appointment with Pauline.  |
Newsletter Easter-14 |
Easter Newsletter has now been published, a hard copy will be available in practice throughtout March/April or can view on line
Easter 2014 Newsletter |
Registrar ST1 Feb-14 |
Dr Kirsten Wooley is joining for her registrar (ST1) for 6 months and will be here until Aug 2014. |
Newsletter Dec-13
Christmas Newsletter has now been published, a hard copy will be available in practice throughtout December or can view on line
Christmas 2013 Newsletter |
Weigh Forward Group Dec-13
Weigh Forward Group
In January we are starting a new group supporting people to make positive changes towards weight loss. The aim is to think more broadly than just calories, focussing on developing a healthier relationship with food and encouraging sustainable lifestyle change.
Meetings will include group discussion led by Dr Sayers, Dr Watson & Nurse Kath Williamson, plus local guest speakers designed to encourage fresh approaches.
When: Thursday evenings
6.30pm - 8pm
Weekly from 23rd Jan - 20th March
Where: Green Practice, Stockbridge HC - Health Education Room (2nd floor).
Interested? See flyer on Green ReceptionDesk,
Complete the tear off slip and place in box
We will contact you to confirm your place (numbers limited to 16). |
Flu Vacc Sep-13 |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Shingles Vacc Sept-13 |
Aged 70 or 79 on 1st September 2013?
Shingles can be very painful, but there is a vaccine that can reduce your risk of getting shingles, or reduce the symptoms and pain it cases.
You will shortly be sent a letter from your GP advising you that you are eligible for the vaccinate and to make appointment
Shingles Leaflet |
Registrar & Locum's Aug-13 |
Dr Georgina Rowan has completed her 12 months training at the practice as a ST3 (3rd year registrar).
Dr Jennifer Lamb is on leave from September. Dr Rowan with be covering her patients throughout the leave. Dr Alexandra Stephen is joining for her registrar (ST3) for 12 months and will be here until Aug 2014. |
Newsletter Summer 2013
Summer Newsletter has now been published, a hard copy is available in practice or can view on line
Summer 2013 Newsletter |
Jul-12 Heat wave |
Temperatures may remain higher than average of the weekend at least in parts of Scotland. Advice issued in association with the heat alerts applies to Scotland in terms of appropriate action to ensure avoiding illness or ill effects associated with the excess heat. Some groups are at particular risk from adverse effects especially the young, those with chronic health problems and the elderly especially if confined indoors at home or in care settings.
www.nhsinform.co.uk/summer www.ageuk.org.uk www.readyscotland.org
Pharmacy April 2013
Suffering from a minor illness and want some advice as quickly as possible?
Did you know that you local pharmacist can give advice and treatment on a range of common illness
Find out more |
Newsletter Spring 2013
After an extended break the practice quarterly newsletter is being produced again. The newsletter will cover many different topic including, Public holidays, Staff News, Clinical Issues, Services and hopefully some pictures of staff events.
Spring 2013 Newsletter |
Registrar Feb-13 |
Dr Garreth Callaghan has completed his 6 months training at the practice as a ST1 (1st year registrar) and has now left the practice for his next post.
I'M VR Oct-12 |
Working Health Services Lothian
Are you off work or struggling at work?
Do you live or work in the Lothian region?
Are you self employed or work for a small to medium organisation (less than 250 employees)?
Call 0131 537 9579 today for help with your health and work problems.
The "I'm VR" short film was commissioned by Working Health Services Lothian and introduces you to the people behind vocational rehabilitation: from occupational therapists, physiotherapists and counsellors to employers, employment rights advisers, GP's and employability professionals .
View the short film by following this link:
Flu Vacc Oct-12 |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Physio Oct-12 |
Physiotherapy - Self Referral
For advice, information and assessment of muscle and joint problems call on:
0845 604 0001 Monday to Friday 2pm - 8pm www.nhsinform.co.uk/msk
Registrar Aug-12 |
Dr Nora Murray-Cavanagh has completed her 12 months training at the practice as a ST3 (3rd year registrar) and has now left the practice.
Dr Garreth Callaghan is joining for his registrar (ST1) for 6 months and will be here until Feb 2013.
Dr Georgina Rowan is joining for her registrar (ST3) for 12 months and will be here until Aug 2013. |
Public Holidays
2012/13 |
- Easter - Friday 6th & Monday 9th April 2012
- May - Monday 7th May 2012
- June - Tuesday 5th June 2012
- September - Monday 17th September 2012
- Christmas - Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th December 2012
- New Year - Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd January 2013
Dr Keane April -12 |
Dr Cormac Keane who joined us last year as a Salaried GP is leaving the practice on 30 April 2012 to return down south!
Dr Patrick Gilson who is currently working in the practice one day a week as a Locum will take over from Dr Keane, starting on 2 May 2012 as a Salaried GP.
Dr Lamb is currently involved in leading a pilot of the CARE approach for NHS Education for Scotland. The focus of this project is to enhance the communication & relationship skills of nurses and doctors towards patients. We are meeting regularly as a group to explore and share our values and approaches towards patients and reflect on a written manual supplied to us by the CARE approach team.
Flu Vacc Sept-11 |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Registrar Aug-11 |
Dr Alex Stephen has completed her 6 months training at the practice as a ST1 (1st year registrar) and has now left the practice.
Dr Nora Murray-Cavanagh is joining for her registrar year and will be here until Aug 2012.
Vision Aug-11 |
Our current computer software is due to be changed late August. This change is something which ALL NHS Lothian practices are undergoing in the next few years.
We are migrating our current system (GPass) to the new software system, Vision (INPS). During the transition period disruption to appointments, prescribing and results service is to be expected, but we will continue to offer a service which we meet the medical need of our patients.
For more information click here |
Symptoms Aug-11 |
WHY does the receptionist need to ask me what my symptoms are when I call the practice?
For more info click here |
Dr Morag Reid 21-06-11 |
Dr Reid is expecting her 3rd child and will be off on maternity leave from 21-06-11 and will return to the practice in Jan 2012. Dr Suzi MacKenzie with be covering her patients throughout that time
District Nursing 01-06-11 |
Judy Hamilton (Lead DN) has gone on a 3 month secondment to the New Royal Infirmary and DN Alison Robertson has taken over her duty's within the team until her return in Oct 2011.
A&E Apr-11 |
Before attending A&E
PHONE YOUR GP 1st - for further details |
Dr Keane 01-04-11 |
Dr Cormac Keane will join the Green Practice initially as a Salaried GP. He will take on the patient list of Dr John McLaren.
We wish Dr Keane all the best in his new post and look forward to working with him |
Dr McLaren 31-03-11 |
It is with regret and sadness that we announce that after many years with the Green Practice:
Dr John McLaren will be retiring from general practice on Thursday 31st March 2011
We wish him a long and happy retirement. |
Feb 11 |
Welcome to Dr Alex Stephen who started with the Practice as a GP Registrar on Wednesday 2nd February 2011 for a period of 6 months. |
Scottish Backs |
Seasonal Flu Clinics |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Aug 10 |
Welcome to Dr Georgina Rowan who started with the Practice as a GP Registrar on Wednesday 4th August 2010 for a period of 6 months. |
June-10 Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine |
The Practice is currently offering HPV vaccine to teenage girls born on or after 1st Sept 1990 and aged 18 or under who may have missed the vaccination campaign at school.
The HPV vaccine is designed to protect against the two types of HPV that can cause 70% of the cases of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer kills 1000 women every year. It is therefore important that teenage girls get protection early enough to be effective.
HPV is spread by intimate skin to skin contact during sexual activity and although you may not be at risk at the moment, HPV is very common and easily spreads. The vaccine doesn't protect against all types of HPV so cervical screening is still required from aged 20 years onwards.
Three injections are given over a period of six months to get the best protection. The side effects are quite mild - mostly soreness in the arm that soon wears off. Serious side effects are rare.
For further information and advice: www.fightcervicalcancer.org.uk
Please make an appointment (0131 260 9226) for one of our Practice Nurses. |
June-10 Police Newsletter |
Lothian and Borders Police - a Division, Community and Neighborhood Watch News - June 2010 |
Apr-10 Immunisation Scotland |
Immunisation Scotland is a 'one-stop-shop' site providing, in one place, information about all the current immunisation programmes in Scotland, the vaccines available and the diseases they protect against.
This new resource complements the existing range of printed information materials of leaflets, booklets and posters available on each of the immunisations. As all the information is in one place, this comprehensive site provides information on immunisations for babies, infants, children, teenagers, adults and those in at risk groups. Immunisation Scotland
Mar-10 Police Newsletter |
Lothian and Borders Police - a Division, Community and Neighborhood Watch News - Mar 2010 |
Mar-10 Dental Care |
Access to Urgent Dental Care for Children under 16 if not registered with a dentist |
Feb-10 VOCAL newsletter |
VOCAL News - Feb 2010 |
Jan-10 Police Newsletter |
Lothian and Borders Police - a Division, Community and Neighborhood Watch News - Jan 2010 |
Dr Nicol |
Dr Nicol will be retiring from The Green Practice at the end of March this year.
Attached is a retirement letter which is also displayed in the practice. |
Public Holidays
2010/11 |
- Easter - Friday 2nd & Monday 5th April 2010
- May - Monday 3rd May 2010
- September - Monday 20th September 2010
- Christmas - Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th December 2010
- New Year - Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd January 2011
Swine Flu Vaccinations |
The Scottish Government has now announced that all children aged from 6 months to under 5 years will be offered the H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccine.
Patients of the Green Practice will be invited via letter from NHS Lothian who are organising community clinics within the area.
Please do not phone the practice as we have no knowledge of the dates/times or venue of these clinics. You will receive your letter within the next few weeks from NHS Lothian direct. |
Swine Flu Vaccinations |
The Influenza A (H1A1) vaccination is available in the practice. The Scottish Government has therefore asked us to prioritising who receives the vaccination first:-
If you fall between one of the above categories please call appointments on 0131 260 9226 and ask for the flu line. |
Swine Flu Vaccinations |
A small supply of the Influenza A (H1A1) vaccination has arrived within the practice. The Scottish Government has therefore asked us to prioritising who receives the vaccination first:-
If you fall between one of the above categories please call appointments on 0131 260 9226 and ask for the flu line.
If you have an "at Risk" category and are over 16 please phone the flu line in December for further information regarding the vaccination program. |
Seasonal Flu Clinics |
The flu clinics start the beginning of October to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Sep-09 Police Newsletter |
Lothian and Borders Police - a Division, Community and Neighborhood Watch News - Sept 09 |
Swine Flu update
If you have 'flu like' symptoms (fever, cough, headache, rhinorrhea or vomiting/diarrhoea) - DO NOT visit the HEALTH CENTRE.
Please telephone NHS24 (08454 24 24 24) or the practice (260 9227) for advice.
For up-to-date information please visit the
NHS24 website. |
Aug-09 |
Welcome to Dr Suzi MacKenzie who started with the Practice as a GP Registrar on Thursday August 2009 for a period of one year. |
Jun-09 Police Newsletter |
Lothian and Borders Police - a Division, Community and Neighborhood Watch News - June 09 |
Jun-09 Dentists |
You can obtain details of NHS dentists who are currently registering new patients here or by calling 0131 537 8444. |
Jun-09 Self Management and Rehabilitation |
Do you want to learn more about managing your condition? www.enablinghealth.scot.nhs.uk |
Swine Flu weblinks
NHS Lothian - Swine Flu
NHS24 - Swine Flu
World Health Organisation - Swine Flu |
Possible Pandemic Alert April 09 |
Could you have Flu?
If you have 'flu like' symptoms (fever, cough, headache, rhinorrhea or vomiting/diarrhoea) and have been traveling in the last 7 days - DO NOT visit the HEALTH CENTRE.
Please telephone the practice (260 9227) and ask for advice from the Doctor.
A Doctor will telephone you back and if necessary visit you at home. |
Spring Newsletter March 09 |
The Spring practice Newsletter is now on-line Spring Newsletter 2009 and limited copies will be available to pick up at the front desk. |
Dr Rodgers March 2009 |
Dr Rodgers
will be retiring from The Green Practice at the end of March this year and Dr Jo Richards will be taking over from her in June.
Attached is a retirement letter which is also displayed in the practice. |
Christmas Cover Dec 2008
NHS Services placemat entitled "Your Guide to Round-the-Clock Healthcare and Support" has been produced to help direct patients to appropriate healthcare services and support |
Festive Closing Dec 08
Newsletter Christmas 2008
The Christmas practice Newsletter is now on-line Christmas Newsletter 2008 and limited copies will be available to pick up at the front desk. |
Aug 08
Welcome to Dr Jenny Lamb who started with the Practice as a GP Registrar on Wednesday 1 August 2008 for a period of one year. |
Health Visiting - drop in clinic July 08
There is now a drop-in clinic with the Health Visiting Team at Stockbridge Health Center (2nd Floor) on a Thursday from 11 - 1pm for babies up to 6 months of age. If you have any questions, please come along. Child and Parent Forum Tuesday 1 - 3pm at Stockbridge Parish Church (St Bernards Center), Saxe Coburg Street. A place for you and your baby to get to know others, share ideas and discuss relevant issues. There is also the opportunity to weigh your baby. This forum is staffed by Eyre, Inverleith and Bangholm Loan Medical Practices. |
Evening Surgeries June 08
From Wednesday 25 June 2008 the practice will offer routine late GP appointments. The surgeries will run once per week 6pm to 7.30pm, and is especially for the benefit of patients who cannot get time off work to attend their GP. The building will be open ONLY for those patients who have booked appointments on the night. Unfortunately it will not be possible to supply repeat prescriptions, book future appointments or collect any letters etc. The late surgery is for patients who have booked routine appointments. NHS24: is available for immediate medical attention telephone: 08454 24 24 24. In a life threatening emergency phone 999. |
Newsletter Spring 2008
The Spring practice Newsletter is now on-line Spring Newsletter 2008 and limited copies will be available to pick up at the front desk. |
Patient Satisfaction Survey 2007
Thank you once again to all patients who completed a patient satisfaction questionnaire in 2007. We value your feedback, and it helps us to plan, develop and improve our service. The entire practice team recently met to discuss this year's results. We were delighted to find that satisfaction levels for all aspects of our service remain high and we thank you for the many positive comments received. We discussed the degree to which we had achieved last year's action plan, and identified new actions for the coming year, based on the feedback we received. The following link is a short summary of our plan for this year, Patient satisfaction survey 2007 |
Dr Hayley Tait Feb 08 |
Dr Tait left the practice on Friday the 22nd of February 2008 after her extended registrar period.
We wish her well on her future career.  |
Public Holidays 08/09 |
- Easter - Friday 21st & Monday 24th March 2008
- May- Monday 5th May 2008
- September - Monday 15th September 2008
- Christmas - Thursday 25th & Friday 26th December 2008
- New Year - Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd January 2009
BMA Newsletter
Jan 08 |
The NHS is undergoing some significant and worrying changes which demonstrate a lack of value placed on the quality of General Practice. The government appears to be determined to move from traditional GP partnerships to one where the private sector would play a much greater part in the future structure and running of general practice. What is at risk is not simply a practice funding increase but the personal, list-based system of general practice that is so valued by the vast majority of our patients. GPs must respond to this threat by remaining united and by engaging with patients and MPs locally and highlighting the threats facing traditional general practice and the wider NHS.
To assist with this, the General Practitioners Committee has prepared a patient newsletter for practices to display to encourage patients to support their GP practices. BMA Newsletter Jan 08
Information about health in Polish
Sept 07 |
A new web site has been created by NHS Education for Scotland. This web site is about Information about services in Scotland in Polish |
Flu clinics Sept 2007
The flu clinics start the end of September to make an appointment for the clinics please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection.
To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab |
Change in Practice Aug 07 |
Change in Partnership
From 1 August 2007 Dr Morag Reid will join the Green Practice as a Partner. Dr Reid has worked in the Practice as a GP Retainer since 2003.
From 1 August 2007 Dr Janet Sayers will take over from Dr Reid as the GP Retainer within the Practice |
Introducing three new NHS Scotland web sites for patients, carers and the public.
Jul 07 |
A family of new websites has been developed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with NHS 24. The aim of these websites is to empower patients, carers and the public to take more charge of their own health and wellbeing and support patient- professional communication.
- Health Information+
Health information+ is a one-stop-shop for quality assured general health information for patients, their families and carers, and interested members of the public. This information includes:
- Patient leaflets, medicines information, and support groups
- Information about benefits, health and social services
- Learning resources to build confidence in managing your health
- Treatment guidelines, evidence and research for those who want more in-depth information
- Diabetes Information+
Diabetes Information+ is a gateway to quality information sources relating to diabetes including: NHS Scotland, Diabetes UK, Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust and others.
- Stroke Information+
Stroke Information+ is for stroke survivors, their carers and families, and interested members of the public. Resources include evaluated stroke patient leaflets, information about medicines, stroke support groups and other relevant information.
Public Holidays 06/07 |
- Easter - Friday 14th to Monday 17th April 2006
- May- Monday 1st May 2006
- September - Monday 18th September 2006
- Christmas - Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th December 2006
- New Year - Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd January 2007
Prescription Order Service
Jan 07 |
From Thursday 1st February 2007 the telephone order line will NOT operate in the mornings but will still be available from 2.00-3.00pm. However this will also cease from Thursday 1st March 2007. (last orders taken by telephone Wednesday 28th February 2007).
Further information |
Oct 2006 Flu clinics |
To make appointments for the clinic please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection. Please click on the following link to find out the dates of the flu clinics.  To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab
Sept 2006 |
Pneumococcal Vaccine From September 2006, pneumococcal vaccine is being introduced into routine childhood immunisation programme at two, four and thirteen months of age to protect children from pneumococcal infection. This means that there is a large group of children under the age of two that will be unprotected against pneumococcal. A catch-up programme has been placed insitu to protect these children. Please contact the practice on 260 9226 to make an appointment or to get further details.
What is pneumococcal infection? Pneumococcal infection can cause pneumonia, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis. Children under two years of age are particularly at risk from this infection. The UK's routine immunisation programme now offers protection against this infection. Because your child is under two, he or she is being offered this vaccine. Children over one will only need one dose and children under one will be offered two doses.
Further information
Healthy Hearts Day 7th June 06 |
Coinciding with British Heart Week, Lothian Healthy Hearts Day is aimed at people in Lothian who are living with heart illness.
Lothian Healthy Hearts Day Wednesday, 7 June 2006 Between 3.00pm and 7.00pm Royal Commonwealth Pool, Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh
Those coming along on the day will have the opportunity to take part in a number of free educational and activity taster sessions (Flyer 1 and Flyer 2), get health improvement advice and find out about the services and support that are available in Lothian. There will also be a free prize draw with the winner receiving a year's free access to Edinburgh Leisure facilities across Lothian |
Avain Flu April 06 |
We have received the following helpful information from Scottish General Practitioners Committee:-
Following confirmation that a swan found dead in Fife has tested positive for the H5N1 strain of avian flu, NHS Board Directors of Public Health have been fully briefed on the management of the situation. Information and advice can be found by check the information which has been posted on the Health Protection Scotland web site www.hps.scot.nhs.uk or Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs web site www.defra.gov.uk
In addition, a NHS24 Helpline (08454 24 24 24) has been set up from 3pm Thursday to advise anxious patients. This service is not restricted to Fife and will be available to members of the public throughout Scotland.
Forget me not cafe Jan 06 |
If you have a memory problem bring your family, friends or carer along to the Forget-me-not Cafe, have a cup of tea/coffee and meet others in the same position as you. This is a very informal meeting place, but information will be available if you want to, and professionals will be on hand if you have any questions for them. The Cafe will be open every Wednesday from 10am until 12noon.
It is situated in the Granton Community Hut, Granton Crescent
Further details :- Carole Deans 0131 552 8647 Geraldine Howard 0131 336 4495 |
Carers Upskilling Programme Jan 06 |
- Do you have 10 hours a week to spare?Are you interested in a free 30-week course for carers?
- If you can answer yes to these questions then we have the course for you!
For more information come along to one of our open days. Tuesday 14th February 06 from 12.00pm to 3.00pm Thursday 16th February 06 from 5.00pm to 7.00pm At our office North West Carers Centre 36 Muirhouse Crescent Edinburgh 0131 315 3130 |
Parking Dec 05 |
On response to the concerns from patient of the lack of parking available around the Health Centre area the GPs wrote a letter to the City of Edinburgh Council. The letter proposed introducing additional parking bays in India Place. The Councils Traffic Control Manager has initiated a Variation Order to get metered bays introduced but this can take up to 9 months to pass all stages of the process. |
Flu Vaccinations Sept 05 |
The Influenza vaccination has arrived into the practice. If you are eligible to have this please call the appointment line on 260 9226 to arrange an suitable time. To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab
Complementary Healthcare Sept 05 |
Recently the Executive available to NHS Boards copies of a booklet produced by the Prince of Wales' Foundation for Integrated Health, Complementary Healthcare - A Guide for Patients. An electronic version is available at www.fihealth.org.uk |
Lift update Sept 05 |
The lift is back up and running. Thanks for you patience and understanding throughout the time the lift was out of action. |
Jul-05 Lift Update |
We had expected the lift to be up and running the week beginning the 18th but unfortunately we have been contacted by NHS Lothian to explain why this is not happening. Unfortunately whilst working on replacing the lift a further complication has arisen resulting in the completion of the new lift being delayed for several more weeks. We offer our sincere apologies for this unfortunate set of circumstances but please be assured we are doing everything in our power to get the work carried out as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact your practice if you have any problems attending your doctor or nurse appointments above the ground floor. |
June-05 Lift Update |
Work has started on production of the new lift and we hope that it will be installed by the 16th of July. Please ensure when booking appointments over this period you alert the receptionist to the fact that you cannot manage the stairs. If you feel that with help you can manage the stairs use the intercom system at the foot of the stairs so you can alert the practice that you require help. Mothers with young children in prams could leave these under the stairs - at their own risk. If at all possible please avoid bringing a pram, perhaps using a carrier. |
June-05 Public Holiday |
Monday 4th July 2005 is a Public Holiday for GP surgeries. Therefore the Health Centre will be closed for 3 days: from 6pm on Friday 1st July through, Saturday 2nd July, Sunday 3rd July and Monday 4th July. The Out of Hours Service will be extremely busy over the this weekend as the " Make Poverty History" demonstration is planned for the 2nd July which may involve an additional 200,000 people arriving in Edinburgh. Therefore we ask that you telephone for medical advice only if you think that your condition cannot wait until your surgery reopens on Tuesday 5th July. Your first point of contact for our service is by telephoning NHS24: 08454 24 24 24 When you contact NHS24 it is essential that you listen to the whole message. Urgent problems are put straight through to a Nurse Advisor who will give you advice or arrange for you to see one of our GP's or Nurses. If your problem is less urgent it is likely that during times of peak call volume the call handler at NHS24 will arrange for a Nurse Advisor to return your call. PLEASE order and collect your repeat prescriptions before the surgery closes for the July holiday weekend. It is also advisable that you stock up on over the counter medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, cough / cold remedies and treatment for hay fever. Your local Pharmacist or Health Visitor will advise you if you are unsure of what to buy, particularly if you have young children. |
May-05 Lift broken |
Unfortunately after inspection it now appears that the lift cannot be repaired but must be replaced. This work will obviously take a few weeks. Alternative arrangements are being sought to accommodate patients who cannot manage the stairs. Please ensure when booking an appointment over the next few weeks you alert the receptionist to the fact that you cannot manage the stairs. If you feel that with help you can manage the stairs an intercom system is being put in place at the foot of the stairs so you can alert the practice that you require help, until this is installed please ask for help from someone who is passing. Mothers with young children in prams could leave these under the stairs - at their own risk. If at all possible please a void bringing a pram, perhaps using a carrier.
Mar-05 GPAQ |
A General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ) was carried out within the practice at the end of last year. The feedback was collated and is displayed on the following document. |
Mar-05 Co-Proxamol |
This widely used prescription-only mediation contains paracetamol and dextropropoxyphene. When taken in the correct dose it is safe, though some reports suggest that it is no more effective in relieving pain than paracetamol on its own. However, if it is taken in excess of the recommended dose, particularly when taken with alcohol, it can be very toxic and result in breathing problems and sedation which can be fatal. It is one of the drugs most commonly used by patients who commit suicide by self-poisoning, and there are also deaths from accidental overdose each year. For this reason it has been decided that co-proxamol is to be withdrawn from use over the next year. It must be emphasised that if you are presently taking this drug in the correct dose it is quite safe and there is no need for any immediate action, but you should discuss alternative painkillers with your GP at some stage over the next year. |
Dec-04 Mumps Vaccines |
The Chief Medical Officer has advised that GPs should offer MMR vaccination to young people who have not previously received two doses of mumps containing vaccine. It is considered particularly important for those aged 17-20 years attending school, university or further education. To make an appointment for the vaccine call 0131 260 9226, to enquire if you have had two courses of mumps vaccine call 0131 260 9227. Further information can be found on www.immunisation.nhs.uk |
Oct-04 Flu Vaccines |
The practice has managed to obtain a limited supply of Flu vaccine. There has been a clinic set up for this on the 1st of November, to make an appointment please phone 260 9226 and ask for a flu clinic appointment. |
Sept-04 Flu Vaccines |
As you may have herd on the news there is a problem with the main supplier of the flu vaccine Chiron. This is the company that we where expecting our supply from. Due to this we have no vaccine until November. So if you are eligible for a vaccine can you please phone the practice (260 9226) after the 1st week in November. |
Sept-04 NHS 24 |
From September 1st 2004 our Out-of-hours(Needs) service will be answered by NHS24. If your require urgent medical attention please telephone 08454 24 24 24. For patients who have a hearing difficulty, speech difficulty or patients with a text telephone call 18001 08454 24 24 24. Out-of-hours covered are Monday to Friday 6pm to 8am and from 6pm on Friday to Monday 8am. |
Sept-04 Flu clinics |
To make appointments for the clinic please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection. Please click on the following link to find out the dates of the flu clinics.  To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab
Aug-04 Childhood Immunisation Programme |
The Department of Health has announced changes to the childhood immunisation programme for further information please click on the link |
Aug-04 GP Registrar |
Goodbye: Dr Sarah Houston - Green Practice Registrar, from August 2003 to August 2004, completed her year and has now moved on.
Welcome: Dr Nicola Smithson will start her year as Green Practice Registrar on Wednesday 4th August 2004. Dr Smithson joins us from MacKenzie Medical Centre where she successfully completed her registrar training. Dr Smithson will be working half a week at the practice and the other half at the Family Planning Clinic. |
Aug-04 Peak Flow Meters |
New Peak-expiratory Flow Meters (PMFs) will be available as of September 2004 and the traditional Peak Flow Meters are being phased out from then. The new PFMs are based on absolute flow so a more accurate reading will be obtained. For any more information concerning this please contact the Practice Nurse (0131 260 9227) or your local pharmacist. |
Jun-04 Result phone in Times |
The practice has recently conducted a questionnaire and after reviewing the results the practice has extended the phone in time:-
It would be preferable not to phone at 8:30 or 2pm as these are busy times and you might be waiting longer on the phone. |
May-04 Practice closure |
Due to the success of the Protected Learning Time the practice will be closed in the afternoon of the last Wednesday of each month for staff training. For how to contact the GP during this time please click on the following link .Protected Learning Dates
Feb-04 Saturday Closures |
From the 1 April 2004, Saturday morning cover will be provided by the North Edinburgh Emergency Doctors Service (NEEDS). If you have a medical emergency on a Saturday morning and you need to see a Doctor urgently, please telephone: 0131 537 2700.
The practice will not be open to collect repeat prescriptions. Please ask at reception for details of alternative collection methods. |
Feb-04 Dementia Café |
Edinburgh's first Dementia Café opened within the Youth Café at 6 Victoria Terrace on the 29th of Jan.
It is open on the last Thursday of every month from 1.00-3.00pm for people with dementia to meet in a comfortable environment to get mutual support, information on the illness and socialise with others. Carers and professionals are also welcome. The café will also provide invited speakers to discuss topics such as nutrition; welfare rights and tips to support memory functioning. For further information contact: Katrina Balmer Dementia Care Co-ordinator on 0131 668 2688. |
Dec-03 Nurse Trainer |
Pauline Waugh our Lead Practice Nurse is one of nine Practice Nurses across Scotland who has completed a course to become a qualified Practice Nurse Trainer. Her first trainee is Miriam O'Rawe. She is currently employed as a Staff Nurse in Intensive Care at the Royal Infirmary for 6 years. She would like to move into the primary care setting. Miriam will sit in with Pauline one day per week whilst she sees patients, learning initially by observation. Your help in allowing her to listen and learn is much appreciated - you will always be asked if this is acceptable to you. This process is likely to take 6-12 months as the trainee will continue to work in their hospital post during their primary care training. |
Nov-03 GP Retainer |
Our former GP registrar Dr Morag Reid, is returning to the practice as from November as a GP Retainer, she will be working 4 sessions per week. |
Oct-03 Practice closure |
The practice will be closed one afternoon a month for staff training. For how to contact the GP during this time and to find out the dates please click on the following link .Protected Learning Dates
Aug-03 Flu clinics |
To make appointments for the clinic please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection. Please click on the following link to find out the dates of the flu clinics.  To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab
Aug-03 GP Registrar |
Dr Morag Reid - Green Practice Registrar, from August 2002 to August 2003, completed her year by passing her MRCGP examination with 'distinction'. Congratulations and good luck in your chosen career. Dr Reid can still be seen in the practice over the next few months, she will be covering various locum sessions in the practice.
Dr Sarah Houston will start her year as Green Practice Registrar on Wednesday 6 August 2003. Dr Houston joins us from Northern Ireland where she worked in hospital as a Senior House Officer. |
Jul-03 Royal Mail Postal Services |
Royal Mail Postal Services
We have been experiencing erratic mail deliveries over the past few months, with post being delivered only once daily and times varying from 11am to midday (or indeed not at all).
As our mail in the past was always delivered twice, once before 8am and again at 1pm. I telephoned the local sorting office today to enquire why our service was so bad. Their reply was that due to recent changes in the system this was just they way it would be for some customers. The change had benefited some but not others. There was nothing Royal Mail can do about this.
Please note therefore if you are sending postal requests for repeat medication, or indeed any other service, allow several days for its return.
Please see our web site for Internet ordering if this would serve you better: |
May-03 HIB   Catch-Up Campaign |
Haemophilus Influenzae type b (HIB) Vaccination Catch-Up Campaign Since 1998, enhanced surveillance of Hib disease by the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health and the Public Health Laboratory Service has identified a gradual increase in cases, mostly in children under 4 years of age. While the number of Hib disease cases (23 cases in Scotland, 2002, provisional data) is much lower than the levels of disease seen before the introduction of Hib vaccine (around 60-80 in Scotland every year), the rise is still a concern. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that while the immunisation programme against Hib has been highly successful, further enhancement of immunity appears necessary. All children aged under four years are therefore offered an extra dose of Hib vaccine. The Green Practice plans to hold Saturday morning clinics starting in June 2003, please phone 260 9226 to make an appointment if your child is eligible for this vaccine (all children born between 2 April 1999 and 3 April 2003). The children will be invited to the clinics/make an appointment with the Practice Nurse or Health Visitor by age, starting with the youngest:
- Children aged between 6months to 1 year Children aged between 13 months and 24 months Children aged between 25 months and 36 months
- Children aged between 37 months and 48 months
If you cannot make a Saturday morning clinic, simply phone 260 9226 and ask for a 10 minute appointment with the practice nurse or 260 9206 for Lesley Horn and rearrange an appointment for a mutually convenient time. Hib information leaflets and facts sheets are available at the practice and will be sent out with the letter invitation. For further information concerning HIB Vaccinations www.immunisation.nhs.uk/ is a Department of Health web site about child immunisations.
Feb-03 Lothian University Hospital Trust |
The LUHT provides a comprehensive range of first class acute adult and paediatric care to the people of Lothian and beyond. Their hospitals are situated across the entire City of Edinburgh. For further information concerning Lothian University Hospital Trust please click on the link. |
Jan-03 Building Changes |
Over the next few weeks Lothian Primary Care Trust are undertaking works at the front of the building. This work involves moving the front door entrance to the Health Centre to its original position (the doors with the blinds to the left of the door) Removing the blinds from this door and giving them the automatic mechanism will allow everyone to see the letter box! A new inner door will be put in place to help reduce drafts. The current entrance (the stone floor pram park area) will become an administrative office for the Mental Health Team (CPNs). |
Jan-03 Thiomersal |
The Scottish Executive's advice regarding the latest media alert on DTP and Influenza vaccines containing Thiomersal is that it is factually wrong. The compound ethyl mercury is present in extremely small quantities in the DTP vaccine currently recommended for babies in the UK immunisation schedule. This vaccine is used because it provides children with reliable protection against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. UK experts have advised us that preparations containing thiomersal offer better protection against whooping cough than preparations not containing thiomersal. We have taken that advice. Research has shown that giving vaccines containing thiomersal has a short term effect on blood levels of mercury which do not present significant health risks, as ethyl mercury is quickly expelled through the bowel by natural processes. All evidence points to there being no link between thiomersal in vaccines and toxicity or poisoning in babies, children or adults. This is the considered view of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), a scientific advisory body established by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to provide a reliable and independent scientific assessment of vaccine safety issues. Parents who want to protect their baby with DTP vaccine, and those at risk who wish the protection of flu vaccination, are entitled to know about recognised side effects, key ingredients in the vaccine, and the reasons for their inclusion. Our clear priority is to provide children (and adults) with the most effective protection against life-threatening diseases. We are setting known consequences of infectious threats against theories of possible damage that, as indicated above, are not supported by evidence. Thiomersal has been extensively used in the last 60 years without any major adverse effects being noted. |
Dec-02 Traveling Overseas |
'Know Before You Go' campaign by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office: This site contains a wealth of useful information and tips for travelers, including regularly updated travel advice notices for every country in the world. Research shows that a large percentage of these travelers fail to take out adequate travel insurance or make necessary preparations before going overseas.www.fco.gov.uk/knowbeforeyougo Note:- You should still check with the practice for your current vaccination status at least a month before traveling. |
Oct-02 Medication withdrawal |
As from the 7th of October Efamast and Epogam will not be licensed medication. For further information click here
Sept-02 Flu clinics |
To make appointments for the clinic please phone reception on 260 9226 and ask for a flu injection. To check what the symptoms of flu are or whether you are eligible for the inoculation, please click on the following link Symptoms and Eligibility of flu jab
Jun-02 Prescription Pre-Payment Certificates |
If you have to pay for your prescriptions and need prescribed medicines on a regular basis you can save money by buying a Prescription Pre-Payment Certificates
May-02 Multiple Sclerosis - New Drug therapy |
The Government have announced that patients diagnosed with MS, who meet appropriate eligibility criteria can now receive drug treatment (Beta Interferon or Glatiramer Acetate) under the MS risk sharing scheme .Multiple Sclerosis Please make a appointment to discuss this with your GP. |
May-02 MMR |
Publication of a expert group report on MMR can be found at www.scotland.gov.uk or alternatively if you require more information about the MMR vaccine please phone the Health Visitors: Lesley 260 9206 Catherine 260 9207 |
April-02 Personal Care |
A campaign has been launched to tell the public more about Free Personal Care please click on the link to learn more.Free Personal Care |
Jan-02 Menc |
All 20 to 24 year old patients are now entitled to the meningococcal vaccine (menc). Please make a 10 minute appointment with the practice nurse to receive this. The phone number for appointments is 260 9226. If you require more information about the menc vaccine please come down and collect a leaflet from the Health Centre or click on the Meningococcal vaccine link |
Jan-02 New PSB |
DT (diphtheria and tetanus) has now become DTaP with the introduction of pertussis to the pre-school booster which is given to all children over 4 years. For further information there are leaflets in the practice or you can contact the Health visitors (Catherine 260 9207 or Lesley 260 9206) or click on the Pre-school booster link |